Saturday, November 1, 2008

ComponentArt upgrade issue


After upgrading the ComponentArt.Web.UI.dll from 2006.1.1283 to 2006.2.1507.2 I was getting the following error:

... 2006_2_1507/A573G988.js not found

My first thought was that I needed to copy a client side library to this location. So I searched and searched and couldn't find a 2006_2_1507 client library. Nor could I find the error in the ComponentArt forum.


In the aspx page, where I create my ComponentArt control, there was an attribute on the control called ClientScriptLocation which we had set to the location of our client library for the previous version of ComponentArt.

The new version does not need a client library, but still has the functionality. So I removed the value from the ClientScriptLocation attribute and all is well. The component will generate the required client script as needed.

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